In his homily for the Feast of St Kevin at St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral on Monday, June 3, Archbishop Farrell said:

The Church is called to work actively towards restoring a living heart to our cities.

The centre of a city – its heart – needs people, and people need worthy spaces to live and to be – to be with each other, and to be with ‘the Other’ – Our God who constantly creates us and recreates us.· A living Church is a community that looks towards the other and goes out towards the other, not only to new generations in new places, but also in new ways in old places.· In that spirit, I am asking the Holy Father to designate St Mary’s as the Cathedral for Dublin as part of a renewed pastoral and missionary strategy at the centre of our Diocese.· This will involve having St Mary’s and St Andrew’s (Westland Row) as twin pillars for the worthy celebration of Catholic life in Dublin in its liturgical, pastoral and cultural dimensions.