Parish Pastoral Council

Our mission as a Parish Pastoral Council is to listen to, and strive to address, the needs of all parishioners, so that the whole parish community can come together to encounter truly the loving Lord and be his witnesses. (Mission statement of the Parish Pastoral Council)

The PPC is a ‘faith-filled leadership group through which priests and laity work together as co-responsible partners in furthering the mission of Christ in their own parish’. They discuss issues facing the parish and the wider Christian community, offer support to the priests of the parish and develop initiatives to give effect to its mission statement. The PPC maintains an overview of the whole parish and plans strategically to ensure that the faith of the community is nurtured and its mission served.

For example, the Council introduced the travelling crib, produced a pamphlet to help pray the stations of the cross, promoted the Teen Hope programme, helped to arrange parish talks to help us reflect on our faith and promotes the development of our various ministry groups.

The Parish Pastoral Council (PCC) of our parish was formed in February 2005. It has around 12 members and meets on the third Monday of the month in the Parish Centre.


The current members of the PPC are:

Fr John O’Brien Eileen Kane
Fr John Callanan S.J Paul Kavanagh
Carole Carragher (Sec) Teresa Menendez
Anne Curtis Liam Nolan (Chair)
Anne Glennon Deirdre Soffe
Giulia Guasoni Jack Graham
Robin Graham


The PPC is a means whereby all parishioners can take part in discussions that relate to the spiritual and pastoral development of the parish. That is why, the PPC would like to hear from parishioners about their experience of our parish and how they would like to see the parish develop.

If you are interested in being part of this group or you would like to place an item on the Agenda, please mention it to  Fr. John, Liam Nolan, the chairperson, or to any other member of the PPC.

Listen to Episode 13 of our Parish Podcast, to listen first hand from two members of our Parish Pastoral Council about the work they do and what the PPC is all about.