As Archbishop Farrell has said, one of the very important ministries in the parish is to help those who are bereaved. To help the bereaved is to help Jesus himself. The assistance provided to those who lose a member of their family through illness or sudden death is...
Family Mass 6pm Saturday Evenings
The Family Mass has moved to the 6pm vigil Mass on Saturday evenings. There will be opportunities for involvement in the Mass and the Family Mass team will facilitate this. All are welcome.
Parish Book Club
We've had a book club now in St John the Baptist Parish for five years. We take on a book a month with the aim of broadening our reading habits, sometimes in the faith field and sometimes looking at the culture and times we live in and what those two elements might be...
The Parish Lectio Divina (Sacred Reading) Prayer Group meet on Thursday's from 7.30 to 8.30 pm. We reflect together on the gospel reading for the following Sunday. Please email [email protected] for zoom link.
The Synthesis of the Consultation in Ireland for the Diocesan Stage of the Universal Synod 2021–2023 has been published. Dr Nicola Brady, chair of the Steering Committee for the Irish Synodal Pathway, said: “The strong sense of shared responsibility that has guided...
Ukrainian Catholic Chaplaincy
Fr Vasyl Kornitsky is Chaplain to the Ukrainian Community and curate in Donnycarney parish. He can be contacted at 086 2359561 or [email protected]. Ukrainian Mass (Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom, Byzantine Rite) is held every Sunday at 1pm in Our Lady of...
Our parish profile
In preparation for our Parish Gathering, you are asked to look over our parish profile (click below) Our Parish Profile
Offerings By Standing Order
Please click on the pdf link below to download and print the standing order form. This form must be returned to THE PARISH OFFICE and not directly to your bank. Standing Order Form
Offerings By Weekly/Monthly Envelope
The weekly and monthly offering envelopes can be obtained in the Parish Office
Offerings by Cheque
Cheques should be made payable to St John the Baptist Church. Please make sure to include your name and address with your offering.