Christ has no body but yours, no hands, no feet on earth but yours.
St Teresa of Avila
There are a number of child and adult Altar Servers in the parish. The Sacristans also take on the role of Altar Servers on occasion.
New adult and child servers are always needed. Full training is provided.
Child Altar Servers, both boys and girls, are generally over seven years of age and have made their First Holy Communion. They serve at the weekend Masses and are rostered at the Mass time that suits them best.
The adults serve at the weekday Masses but are also needed at some of the weekend Masses which are not covered by the children.
Altar servers assist the priest in various ways, from helping him receive the gifts of bread and wine, the washing of the Priest’s hands and also ringing the Bells. On occasion, they help when the thurible and incense are being used, especially at Easter and Christmas time. This latter duty is quite important for the Adult Servers who serve at Funeral Masses, in particular.
For more information on this group, please contact the Parish Office.